Nashville Hangover slowing you down?

Where is there a hangover cure in Nashville? I totally get it! It is so easy to be having a great time bar hopping all the famous Nashville bars on Lower Broadway and get REALLY carried away with the alcohol!

You wake up the next morning with that Nashville hangover feeling like you have a hammer in your head that is in perfect timing with your heartbeat. Your stomach feels like you ate the worst rotten food out of a dumpster and you feel like you could vomit enough to fill an ocean. Your head is spinning so bad that you think you are strapped to a merry-go-round on the playground. Yes … I’ve been there before .. well .. actually a few times. Each time I swore I’d never drink again if I survived the hangover. If only there was an instant Nashville hangover cure!!

I have to admit, I used to typically just ride the hangover out until I feel human again. I would try to drink Gatorade or at least lots of water before bed. Then I’d place LOTS of water beside the bed so when I wake up the next morning I’d start the rehydrating process. Not exactly a hangover cure but it did help.

What is a hangover?

A hangover is basically the result of the toxicity of acetaldehyde in the body. Then combine that with low blood sugar, dehydration, and changes in electrolytes within the body. The result is feeling like there is a hammer in your head among the other symptoms I described above. Remember what I said above about trying to drink Gatorade before going to sleep after an alcohol binge. Welp, here is why. Replenish the electrolytes and rehydrate is a step in the right direction.

Nashville Hangover Myths

OK .. these hangover myths apply no matter where. But this website is about Nashville so why not put it in an H tag (that is website nerd talk).

Taking meds before bed

This actually isn’t a good idea. The alcohol is already wreaking havoc on your stomach. Most headache meds are hard on the stomach as well, so you could be just compounding the sick stomach effect of a hangover. You get a big glass of water and down the headache med in hopes to avoid the pains you are anticipating the next morning.

Sounds like a good idea I will admit. Not so fast, most typical over-the-counter “headache” meds only last for about 4 hours, so you may have outslept the “relief”. If you wake up the next morning feeling good, it is more than likely your body is partially rehydrated from all the water you drank taking the meds trying to get out of that Nashville hangover.

Anything with Caffeine

Yes, that includes coffee! Why? Because caffeine is a diuretic. A diuretic pulls water from body tissue. You are already hungover, you are already dehydrated. Don’t drink anything that will make it worse. Drink water or some form of sports drink that will replenish those electrolytes and rehydrate!

Have a stiff drink the morning after

This may make you feel better in the short term but it can actually prolong the hangover effects. Worse yet, this “circular mentality” can lead to an alcohol dependency.

Yea Yea Yea I get it!! All the drinking water and sports drinks I mentioned are boooorrrrrring!! Hey, look at it this way. Re-coop early, enjoy some sightseeing, party again at night. See .. I’m trying to help ya out!! 🙂

Proven or Plausible Nashville Hangover solutions

Will a Sauna help a hangover?

Honestly, this can be good or bad for your hangover symptoms. Yes, you will sweat out some of the junk in your system which can help. Here is the downside … your hangover symptoms are partially caused by dehydration. So, if you sweat even more in severe heat, it will dehydrate you even more. You will need to down a bunch of water or some form of sports drink to replenish the water and electrolytes in your system.

Still wanna sweat out the junk? Get lots of clean liquids in your system and go for it. Pay attention to how you feel because it can likely cause lightheadedness and dizziness. Or .. make your drunken hangover dizziness worse. Check out the Nashville places below to get your hangover sweat on.

Pure Sweat Sauna Studio – After you have rehydrated really well, go sweat the toxins out with a good infrared sauna session. An infrared sauna is MUCH better at sweating the toxins out of your body than wet saunas.

CYL Sauna Studio – Another great infrared place. They offer a 30-minute standard session and a 40-minute super sweat session where you lay in a pod to sweat away the toxins, stress, and weight if that is part of your goal.

Pure Sweat and Float – Yes it is related to the first one. This location is located in Brentwood, one of the outer districts in Nashville. Along with the infrared sweat saunas, this location has float therapy if later after you recover from the hangover you want a super relaxing experience. Just don’t go do the float therapy while you are in drunken puke mode. I’m sure they would charge you a majorly hefty clean-up fee if you puked in the saltwater capsule.

Juicing for a hangover

Yea seriously. If you think about the information you have read so far you can probably figure out why visiting a juice bar in Nashville can be good for your hangover. The vegetables, fruits, water, and other healthy additives they add to the juice smoothies can really help your body recover from last night’s drinking binge. Juicing for a hangover is a legit Nashville hangover fix. Below are a few of Nashville’s most popular juice bars.

Kwench Juice Café – Located in downtown Nashville on Church st. Kwench is locally owned and uses only top-quality ingredients.

I love Juice Bar – There are several locations around Nashville. The closest location to downtown is in the Gulch which isn’t a terrible walk from downtown. Honestly, if I was hungover I wouldn’t walk it. But if you happen to be staying in the Gulch, it will be in your area.

The Urban Juicer – I have been to a couple of their locations. I can tell you this … great quality, great taste, and great staff! They have a very good selection to suit most anyone’s tastes. They also have an app for your phone that can save you some time by not having to stand in line.

Party Patches to help with hangovers

The term party patch is a vitamin-infused patch that sticks to your arm, back, or wherever the directions tell you to stick them. Alcohol dehydrates and causes toxins within the body. These patches help with the symptoms of a Nashville hangover by replenishing the body with vitamins and nutrients. For the record, I have never tried any of these patches so I can’t provide any personal opinion. Below I will provide links to the Amazon top-rated party patches so you can purchase them before your night on the town.

Party Patches – Not just the generic name, this is actually the name of the product. This Amazon product has a 4.5-star rating and is very simple to use .. simply stick it to your body where the product directs you.

Monster Hangover patches – Heck, I’ve used the exact phrase “monster hangover” when I’ve woke up with one! These patches have a 4-star rating and at approximately $2 per serving, that’s a cheap solution to help with hangovers.

Smart Patches – Easy as peel and stick to avoid the pounding headache of a hangover. These have a 4-star rating stating they will help you have a headache-free day the next day after your wild night out in Nashville.

Drink Powders and Pills to help with that Nashville Hangover

The drink powders work! Now, I have never tried them to cure a hangover but I have used them during a long hike in the woods on a crazy hot day. When your electrolytes drop during hard exercises or in a case of a hard night of partying with lots of booze you start getting certain symptoms. These symptoms can be dizziness, lightheadedness, and confusion just to name a few. Getting rehydrated and replenish those electrolytes will help get you back to a better state of mind. Or, in a case of a hangover .. less pain and suffering. Below I will provide links to the top-rated drink powders or pills to help you with the Music City head pounding.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier – No this isn’t a needle in the arm IV hangover solution. We will get to those in the next section. This drink power is the highest-rated hangover cure option I have researched so far. I’m actually going to order these myself because I am outside in the heat … A LOT! This is a non-GMO electrolyte drink mix that is designed to get in your system fast.

DripDrop ORS – Electrolyte drink powder to get that rehydration process started fast to get that hangover gone! This doctor-created formula comes in a 3 flavor variety pack to give you flavor options.

Pedialyte Electrolyte Powder – Yea .. the stuff babies drink is great for adults as well! I have drunk a few different flavors of this stuff. Depending on how you like flavors you may want to go with less water or more powder. If I mix the nutrient powders in water, I like it to be a strong taste. Strong taste or not .. this stuff does work.

Hangover IV Nashville

OK, let us get into the IV hangover rehab now. I personally have never done this before but I know people who have. They totally swear by it for hangover recovery!! I believe I will try it sometime, from what I’ve heard it is like getting energy dripped right into your veins. If I do I’ll document the experience on the site and the YouTube channel. Let’s list a few places Nashville has to offer.

61Five Health & Wellness – This place specializes in skincare, medical weight loss, and IV therapy. Yep, they have a specific IV mixture for hangovers! They have IV therapy for many situations from just simple rehydration to Migraine relief.

Vida-Flo – They have an IV mix for many different ailments including hangovers. Wanna know what’s cool about this place??? They make house calls!! Yes, they will come to you to help you through that hangover!

Hangover Healthcare – I like the name! There really isn’t much question as to what they do. Like the other places they have an IV mix to rehydrate you and put those vitamins and minerals back in your body to help you re-cooperate from that party binge! Oh, like Vita-Flo they will make house calls with no extra travel charges.

Keep something in mind about these places. You are paying for your recovery and the convenience of them pumping the nutrients directly into your body, therefore, bypassing your digestive system for a faster recovery.

You can put the same nutrients right back in your system at much less of a price! But .. your digestive system has to process it, absorb it, and pass it into your bloodstream. Yes, it will take more time for all this to happen. As mentioned above in the “Drink Powders and Pills” segment you can get the mixes to put in water and take generic multivitamins to rejuvenate your system to help with the hangover symptoms. It is up to you and your budget how you want to recover.

Foods that help with hangovers

OK .. here are the big questions. What everyday foods should you eat to help with a hangover? What foods should you avoid while hungover?

Back in my party days, I concentrated on rehydration more than foods. There were certain foods that I love but when I was hungover I couldn’t stomach the thought of eating. For me, hamburgers and pizzas were 2 of such items. I could and would eat home-fried real eggs (not fast food powdered eggs) and a good ole layered biscuit.

When doing research for this article I discovered that eggs were actually a very good thing to eat in moderation. I also learned that listening to my body about not eating pizza and burgers during a hangover was a good thing as well.

In short, you need rehydration, minerals, electrolytes, carbs, and proteins. But proteins in moderations. I’ll list some food options to help you out.

Foods to eat when hungover

Eggs – Eggs contain cysteine, which is an amino acid your body uses to make glutathione. Alcohol depletes the body of glutathione. Glutathione breaks down alcohol. So … eggs replenish glutathione which breaks down the alcohol making your hangover recovery happen faster.

Crackers – here we have fast-acting carbs that will increase your blood sugars, therefore, helping with the hangover recovery.

Nuts – Nuts are high in magnesium. But you want nuts that are highest in magnesium to help speed your recovery from your Nashville hangover. Deez nuts .. ok back to being serious .. these nuts include almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts.

Oatmeal – with a good healthy serving of oatmeal you will get a good dose of complex carbs that will assist in getting that blood sugar back in check. Not to mention it is a bit filling so it could make your stomach feel a bit better.

Blueberries – add these in the oatmeal or eat them straight. Blueberries will help you with that blood sugar thing. They also contain lots of great nutrients that help fight inflammation. After a big alcohol binge in Nashville, that hangover will have plenty of inflammation going on in the body. Eat the berries!! 🙂

Ginger – either eating ginger straight or as a tea. I have personally drunk honey/ginger tea for a few different stomach ailments. It does a great job at setting an upset stomach. Try getting LEGIT ginger tea not the cheap knock-off stuff for best results.

Water – good ole plain water can be a great help for a hangover. Why? Well if you have read this far into this article you should know the answer. Yep .. it is all about rehydrating the body. I personally loved really cold water during the hangover. My stomach felt better with each drink.

Green Tea – this is my go-to when I eat too much. It always helps with the fullness. You get all that good ole water for rehydration and lots of healthy antioxidants to help with hangover recovery.

Coconut water – this stuff is great for rehydration!! Coconut water has lots of great electrolytes in it to get the body straight after that Nashville party binge!

All these foods and some others that I didn’t mention can help with hangover recovery, but they are not hangover cures.

Foods not to eat when hungover

Coffee – You are already dehydrated from all that drinking. Coffee, or should I say the caffeine in it is a diuretic it will just dehydrate you more. I understand that you “may” feel a bit rejuvenated. At least drink lots of water with your coffee.

Orange Juice – or any citrus juice for that matter. Alcohol is already hard on your stomach. Dumping harch citrus juice on an already irritated stomach may just equal more pain and suffering for you.

More alcohol – For real?!?! No more alcohol, you are just extracting more water from your system. Let your body recover correctly before hitting the party supplies again. If you want to explore Nashville, do it in a recovered or at least recovering state from that Nashville hangover so you enjoy what all Nashville has to offer.

Greasy Foods – Do you like eating burgers, fries, pizza, and any other greasy foods? Eating greasy foods before or during drinking can actually slow the absorption of alcohol into the system. That is a good thing.

But … no eating that stuff during a hangover. Why do you ask? Your body is still trying to digest and process the alcohol you hammered down last night. Typically the heavy fatty foods will make your stomach feel much worse. It sure does mine! Also, Your body processes alcohol much the same way it does fats. Let your body take care of the alcohol first so you get to feeling better faster. If you ingest fatty foods it will just keep you feeling bad longer due to the body having to process fat and alcohol at the same time.

Nashville Hangover Summary

I really hope this article helps you. I have many times in the past been through the whole hangover torture. Each time … “let me survive this and I’ll never do it again” .. yea right! It is really easy to be out having a good time and just lose track of how much you drink. Just be responsible and have a good time!

Peace out y’all!


Chuck G.

I have lived near Nashville most of my life. I really enjoy exploring what the "Music City" has to offer so can help visitors and locals have a great time in Nashville.

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